Links I Like

Here's some cool stuff I feel compelled to share,
go spread the love!

Marissa Cohen
Marissa was one of my first roommates at the Herron School of Art and Design.
She's one of my best friends, and I miss hanging out with her and Lizzie.
Lately, she's been posting sketchbook entrees and comics about hallucinating her spirit animal, Garfield, onto her Instagram and Tumblr accounts, but don't forget to pick around her Domain... There's a secret page which is absolutely worth finding.
Go Send her some love:
Lizzie Bilbrey
Lizzie was also one of my first roommates at the Herron School of Art and Design.
She's one of my best friends, and I miss hanging out with her and Marissa.
She's a huge Goof, a Designer, and a Painter. Her work is playful, yet minimalistic.
... Except her Youtube videos, those are high energy low-brow comedy pieces whose influences seem to include Saturday Night Live and Portlandia.
These days, she stars as "Gwenth" in the dynamic duo band, "Tubbles." If you're in the Indianapolis area, definitely try and see one of their performances, it's utter chaos and very fun.
Go Send her some love:

M. Capriglione
Melissa is another fantastic artist I met at Herron. We shared nearly every class illustration class together, and to be honest, it always felt like she was drawing circles around me. We graduated a year ago and already her comics have been published in multiple anthologies, while also maintaining her social media-art presence. Whether you're a big comics reader or not, every panel seems to be a work of art on its own and you should definitely go check it out. She has some comics posted on her website in full, but if you're looking for an ongoing webcomic she's doing illustrating and co-writing, check out her comic, Falconhyrste!